Yes .... but you chose
Yes, but I chose ..... I did not know it Scold.
Yes ........ selected But I did not know it Nkdi.
Yes you have selected ...... But I did not know I Solha later.
Some of these words from choosing to end his marriage.
May be some element of truth, may be exaggerated by many.
But the reality of many attempts to deny and evade.
Our meeting today with a personal lived reality of
But refused to adapt his
Tried a lot with the priests, friends,
Even his only son, who suffered with differences like this.
The man refused to cross, and refused to carry and intolerable.
Surrendered to despair, never tried any other ways to try to amend his life.
Became like his wife does not fast or pray or praise God.
Became cursed and,,,, complaining and wailing.
And in moments he heard the complaint and the voice of Satan Tzmrh
Vdmh Satan to nurseries seductive soft and wonderful shape.
And unleashed a whim
Then the cock crowed and denied his religion and God
Were divorced and left the warm bosom of Jesus
And lay in the laps attractive.
It took the laughter and fun.
The days passed and say, laughter and tears and remorse: begin
The strange thing is that he missed the past painful
Like the dreams of a beautiful wish to return to it.
Was hoped to consider his wife Alinkdi authoritarian Scold,
Wish to return to the status crying and declare his remorse and regret and asked forgiveness.
Instead, remember that differences with
He remembered their characteristics and Dgadtha and features that were not seen.
Wish to return it back time to embrace the son.
And regret that his days were spent with him
Without trying to listen to and closer to him.

As the days passed it grew as the pain
He hoped that if he could go to his wife to express her remorse for
And his wish to supplement a ride with old
But wishful thinking can not be achieved
And turned his life into the abyss
It is ashamed to pass by the street there is a church.
And cry if his eyes caught a glimpse of his wife or his son.
But what the use of crying and usefulness of remorse????
There is a time of no benefit when it is no use crying remorse
There are no married life without disagreements.
There is a house with no complaint.
There is a couple living with no problems.
But love and time, and respect and ten sponsor to continue the journey.
When filling the house love the devil can not enter.
I hope that I have explained to you the alarm
That you are trying to be issued by the courts.
Without taking our religion and our homes and our lives be respected.