In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit ,
One God . Amen .
In the Name of Jesus Christ
Glorify God
Mt 5 : 16 / Mt 9 : 8 / Mk 2 ; 12 / Lk 5 : 26 / Jn 11 : 4, 40 / Jn 13 : 31/ 1 Cor 10 : 31 / 2 Cor 4 : 15 / 1 Pet 4 : 11 / Ps 19 : 1"
- and His Name " Jn 12 : 28 / 2 Thes 1: 12 / Rev 15 : 4 / 1Chr 16 : 29 / Ps 8 : 1 , 29 : 2 , 69 : 30 , 86 :12 , 96 : 8 / Dan 2 : 20 , 3 : 43"
Let us Glorify God and His Name
+++ God the Holy Trinity , may all glory be His , must be everything in our life . We must love Him with all our hearts .
He is the Alpha and the Omega , the Beginning and the End , so He must be before us in all what we do from the very beginning and forever .
It is He who gives us every good thing , and it is He who keeps , saves and delivers us from every evil and every form of eveil . His love and grace are infinite , and so , we must always glorify Him in everything and in all our life . We must love Him , follow Him , thank Him , glorify Him , sanctify Him , praise Him , bless Him , exalt Him , magnify Him , honor Him and serve Him , and also , love , thank , glorify , sanctify , praise , bless , magnify , honor and serve , His name . All this must be with complete and perfect , spiritual joy and love , and , with all our hearts , our minds , our souls and our spirits .
I am trying to do all this , through this booklet . I am trying to glorify , sanctify , praise , bless , thank , magnify , exalt , honor and serve , the glorious God and His holy name . And I am also trying to have every one , if possible , do all this .
+ God is worthy of all glory , for He is magnified in Himself , He is the source of all glory , He is the giver of any glory to any one . He is the King of glory "Ps 24 : 7 -10" , the Lord of glory "1Cor2 : 8 / Jam2 : 1" , the God of glory "Ps 29 : 3 / Acts 7 : 2". It is He who gives glory to any man or angel , as He wills , and according to His wisdom .
+ For sure , I am not worthy to speak about God and about His Glory , but I am sure , He is the Lover of mankind , He is merciful and He is gracious to the poor and needy , so He will help me writing this book .
Lord , I am Your servant , please let me , through Your love and mercy and grace , be worthy to write this book and speak about Your glory and the glory of Your name , so that as many people as possible , glorify You and Your name , I am not worthy to utter Your name with my unclean lips "Is 6 : 5" , but I have hope in You and in Your love and compassion , for You are the Merciful God , the Compassionate , who answers our prayers and who gives to those who ask Him , so , I ask You , O Lord my God , O Holy One , please , sanctify and cleanse "Eph 5 : 26" my mouth , my mind , my thoughts , my soul , my spirit and all my body and all what is in me , sanctify and cleanse me completely and perfectly . And please O Lord God Almighty , the mighty Lord and the mighty God , O the Hope of the needy "Jer. 14 : 8" , the Helper , O Glorious and Blessed and Great God "Ti 2 : 13" , please let this book glorify , sanctify , praise , bless , magnify , exalt and honor , You and Your name as much as possible in all places in all the worlds , for You , You alone O God , are worthy of all glory , sanctification , praise , thanks , blessings , greatness , mightiness , power and honor , now and forever and ever . Amen and Amen .
+ Important note : In the Holy Bible , the word "glory" is used to mean either all or some of the following : glory , sanctification , praise , thanks , blessings , greatness , majesty , brightness , excellency , authority and honor . All this together with power , might , knowledge , understanding and wisdom .
So when we say [Let us Glorify God and His Name] , it means we should glorify , sanctify , praise , … and worship and love , Him and His name . All this , through our deeds and our words and in all our lives in every possible way "Mt 5 : 16 that men may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven" , "1 Peter 4 : 11 that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ".
Meditate in God
If we meditate in God , and in His deeds with us and in the whole universe , and in His names and attributes , we shall know for sure that He alone is worthy of all glory , sanctification , … , for instance , the Holy Bible says "Ps 19 : 1 The heavens declare the glory of God …" .
- God's saints often glorified Him by His names , He was glorified by His name "Almighty" with the fathers , Abraham , Isaac and Jacob "Gen 17 : 1 / 28 : 3 / 35 : 11 / 43 : 14" , and with Job "Job 22 ; 26 / 33 : 4" . If we meditate in every name of God's names , we will glorify Him much .
- Whoever likes to know about God's names more than what is in this book , can pray to God and He may declare to him .
- I think we better meditate now in God and His deeds , and then meditate in God's names and attributes , at the end of this booklet (page 7) .
- We are going to meditate here , only in the infiniteness of God , how God is infinite , and how this glorifies Him .
- God is large and big and fills all places , He exists where there no place , He exists in infinity , He is infinite in His largeness , for if we keep going in any way for millions of years we shall not reach an end .
Also God has no end being very tiny , He is infinite in His smallness , He created Adam with all these billions in his loins . God in the beginning created billions of people in the loins of Adam , and every man now has other billions of people in his loins , every generation give birth to [beget] a new generation , the new generation grow up and give birth to another generation and so on . The same is in all trees and all other living beings , for instance the olive tree , God created the first olive tree with all these millions (or billions) of olive trees in it . So for sure God is there in every tiny thing , He sees and controls everything even if its size is , one over billions of a millimeter . We can not reach an end inside any creature , where the Endless God is there .
- Also God , being Almighty , is infinite in His ability and capability , in many fields :
1] In mightiness and power : for He is able to create all things in a moment .
2] In wisdom , knowledge and understanding : for He created the whole universe with everything in it , by His wisdom , knowledge and understanding . He is Omniscient .
3] In quickness and slowness : a] In quickness , because He can do anything very quickly , and even more , in no time , and also because He is Omnipresent , He exists everywhere , so He can do anything in any place and at the same time do other things in many other places . b] In slowness , for He controls all things in the world in all times , even that thing which takes thousands or millions of years to change a little bit .
--- And so , God is infinite in many , or may be in all , of His attributes , so for sure , God is infinite in His glory , especially that God is infinite in His love , and this also glorifies Him more . For , while we were sinners , our Lord Jesus Christ , the Almighty and Glorious God , died for us , and promised us to be with Him in His glory "Jn 17" in His kingdom , so how much more will He do for us and give us , when we enter His kingdom and live with Him forever .
Not only that but also , He is glorified in what some people may think is weakness or contempt , while it is power , wisdom and glory "1 Cor 1 : 25 the foolishness of God is wiser than men , and the weakness of God is stronger than men" . How great is God's love , that the Son of God left His glory in His heaven in which He had been before the world was "Jn 17 : 5" , and became man and dwelt among us in humbleness . How deep is His wisdom when He flees from Herod , whom He created and was able to consume with the breath of his mouth "2 Thess 2 : 8" .
Lord Lord , How great is Your love and Your wisdom .
O Lord my God , my Father , my Lord and my Beloved , how great and how fair You are?! You are fairer than the sons of men "Ps 45 : 2" . You are infinite in Your might , your power , your Love , Your wisdom , Your understanding , your grace , your greatness and Your glory . So please teach me how to thank You and glorify You , and let me understand Your wisdom , Your humbleness and Your ways "Rom 11 : 33 Oh the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God , how unsearchable are His judgments and His ways past finding out" , my Lord , how deep and infinite are Your wisdom , Your understanding and Your humbleness , and how unperceivable are Your ways and Your might . You are glorified even in Your humbleness and even in what some people think is weakness ,
may all glory be Yours , O Lord of glory .
+++ We should know how to glorify God , but first , I would like that we see how God will give us great glory with Him in His kingdom , each one according to his deeds and as much as he glorified God , and , He will also let us one with Him . By this we shall like more , to glorify Him and His name much more and much better .
The Glory of the Saints
The glory of the Saints and the angels is from the glory of God , God is the source of all glory , He gives glory to any one as He likes . He gave Solomon glory in many fields , He gave him great wisdom and richness , He made him a great king and He gave him peace with all nations . God gave Abraham , Isaac and Jacob glory in their descendents and in many blessings . He glorified Moses by His glory and brightness so that the face of Moses shone , and He gave him to be the head and shepherd of the people of God . Also , God gave Aaron and his descendents to attend in the glory of God while ministering as priests in the house of God , and also gave them glory in their garments "Ex 28 : 2 make holy garments for Aaron … for glory and beauty" .
- Also God promised His saints to be with Him in His glory in His kingdom forever , read , John 17 and Revelation 2 and 3 , "Jn 17 :… that they may be one as We are … that they may have My joy fulfilled in themselves … that they may be also sanctified by the truth … and the glory which You gave Me I have given them … and have loved them as You have loved me …] , and in Rev. 2 , 3 , it is said many times "to him who overcomes I will give …" . Please pray much and read these chapters with understanding and meditation , and for sure you will glorify God much , you will love Him , sanctify Him , magnify Him , praise Him and give Him many thanks .
+ O Lord my God , O Holy One , how generous You are , how infinite is Your love . I ask You , please , be always my Father , my Master , my King , my Lord , my God and my Beloved , and let me always be one with You and in You , forever and ever . And let me always , on earth and in heaven , glorify You ,
for You alone are worthy of all glory , O Lord of glory .
How to glorify God
Now because God is the Lord of Glory , and because God will give us His glory , and will let us be one with Him , so , for sure we must glorify , sanctify , praise , thank , bless , magnify , exalt and honor , Him and His name . And certainly he who does not glorify Him should be punished , for how shall we escape if we neglect so great a glory "Heb 2 : 3" .
+ Please know that God Himself likes to be glorified and sanctified , and even more He Himself often , glorified and sanctified Himself . And He likes us to glorify and sanctify Him through our deeds , our words , our prayers and hymns , and in all our lives , and that we do all this with all our hearts , and with love and joy .
+++ The following , is very little , about how to glorify God and His name :
[1]]] we must glorify Him through our deeds , "Mt 5 : 16 that men may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven" . And glorify God in all our lives in every possible way "1 Pet 4 : 11 if anyone speaks , let him speak as the oracles of God , if anyone ministers let him do it as with the ability which God supplies , that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ" .
- From the verse "Ps 50 : 15 call upon Me in the day of trouble , I will deliver you , and you shall glorify Me" , we understand that if someone is in trouble or has a big problem and he asked God to save him , and God delivered him from his trouble , he must glorify God by telling everyone how God is great and mighty , and how He is great in His love and mercy .
- From "Ps 50 : 23 whoever offers praise glorifies me" , we understand that we can glorify Him : 1) Just by saying [praise the Lord] or [thanks be to the Lord] or [I thank God] or [I thank the Lord Jesus] or say as our Lord said [Mt 11 : 25 I thank You Father for …] . 2) Also praising the Lord can be with singing some spiritual songs and hymns .
- "Jn 15 : 8 By this My Father is glorified , that you bear much fruit" , from this verse we know that we can glorify God when we keep His commandments and fulfill them , and do what we can for the salvation of many and for the edifying of the church . When we do every commandment of God and bear good fruit , we glorify God , and since God's commandments are about the whole life on earth and in heaven , so God must be everything in our life on earth and in heaven , and everything we do or say must be through Him , He must be all in all .
+ Prayers : [God please , always help me and guide me that I may always glorify You and Your name through my deeds and my sayings , and let no one blaspheme You nor blaspheme Your noble name because of me] .
[2]]] Also , to glorify God and His name , we can bless God and His name , and , sing spiritual songs and hymns and Psalms :
After Moses and the children of Israel came out of Egypt , they all sang to God to praise Him and thank Him "Ex 15 : 1- " . The psalms of David is full of such things "Ps 16 : 7 / 26 : 12 / 34 : 1 I will bless the Lord", "Ps 145 : 1 I will extol You my God , O King , and I will bless Your name forever and ever , every day I will bless You , and I will praise Your name forever and ever" , also read "Ps 68 : 26 / 69 : 2" and Psalms 148 , 149 , 150 . Praising God and His name is the work of great angels and great saints .
[3]]] We can also glorify the Lord God , by praying for His glory and for the glory of His name :
Our Lord taught us to pray "Our Father who art in heaven" which starts with "Hallowed be Thy name" and ends with "for Thine is the kingdom and the power and the Glory forever" .
- The prayers for the glory of God and His name are the best prayers , especially while using the names of God like "Holy" , "Merciful" and "Great" , such prayers bring many good things , and make us be in contact with God's angels , and help the spirit and soul to grow in virtues and in righteousness , and by this God will love us more and will help us to be better and to love Him more , and so , everything will be much better for us here on earth and in the eternal life .
+ Does God really need our prayers ?
For sure , the answer of this question is well known to all of us , God does not need our prayers , He never needs anything from anyone .
So why is it that we should pray for God ?
We pray for Him , exactly as we praise Him and glorify Him , to prove and confirm our love to Him . It is He Himself who told us to pray for His glory and for the glory of His name . Whoever loves Him , loves to glorify Him and loves that all creatures glorify Him . Also , God likes us to partake His work , be partakers with Him in His glory , we glorify Him and He glorifies us . We can liken this to the tithes , God considers tithes is His , He does not need money , we pay it to the church , and this is good for the church and for the people of God . The same thing is with the glory of God , we glorify Him because this is good for the church and for all the people of God . So always keep in mind that it is for our good and for the good of the whole universe to praise and glorify God and that He be all in all . This is the will , the love , the wisdom and the greatness of God , that we become partakers in His work , in His glory and in His love , and , that we become one , in and with , Him .
+ Very good , so , now , what are the prayers that we should pray concerning the glory of God?
1] For sure , the most important prayer is "Our Father" , it starts with "Hallowed be Your name" and ends with "for Yours is the kingdom and the power and the Glory forever " . Although we all pray it , but not all of us understand it and not all of us meditate in its meanings , it is always good and useful to understand what we pray for "1 Cor 14 : 15… I will pray with the spirit, and I will also pray with the understanding , I will sing with the spirit , and I will also sing with the understanding" .
2] "Ps 57 : 5 Be exalted O God above the heavens , let Your Glory be above all the earth" , this prayer is very close in meaning to the first half of "Our Father" . Also "Ps 115 : 1 Not unto us , O Lord , not unto us , but to Your name give glory" .
3] We can also pray saying [O Lord our (my) God , please let us (me) and all Your churches and all Your people , in the whole world , always , with all our hearts , and with complete and perfect , love and spiritual joy , glorify , sanctify , praise , thank , bless , magnify , exalt , honor and serve , You and Your name]
4] We can praise Him saying "Is 6 : 3 Holy Holy Holy is the Lord of hosts , the whole earth is full of His glory" , and the praises in Revelation , with which we will praise God in the eternal kingdom "Rev 4 : 8 / 4 : 11 / 5 : 12 , 13 / 7 : 9 – 12".
5] From "Mt 5 : 16 that men may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven" , we can pray saying [God please let all my works , and all my life , be good , and let men always glorify You in what they see me doing . Also You O Lord , please , glorify Yourself in all my works , and in all what You do , to and for me , and , in all my life] .
6] Using God's names in our prayers and in our good deeds , gives them power , and at the same time glorifies God and His name . For example , when David was still a boy , he overpowered Goliath by using God's name "the Lord of hosts" "1 Sam 17 : 45" . After that David used and mentioned God's name (names) many times in His Psalms , for instance he said "Ps 54 : 1 save me O God by Your name" . Also Jesus Christ , glory be to Him , said "Jn 14 : 13 Whatever you ask in My name , that I will do , that the Father may be glorified in the Son" , "Mk 16 : 17 In My name they will cast out demons" , notice here :
1) Using the name of Jesus Christ , in prayers , glorifies God . 2) By using His name , He answers our prayers , and answers them with more power , and may be even faster .
- By the way , the name "Jesus" , means "the Savior" , for He saved and saves us from our sins and from all evil powers . So let us always use His name : in our prayers , when we go into any place , before we eat or drink and before we do anything .
- If you like , read also the book [Lord , teach me to pray] , for the same writer , to know more about prayers and about using God's name (names) .
God Himself , likes to glorify Himself and His name ,
and likes that He and His name be glorified by all His creatures
Someone may think that this is against the love and humbleness of God , but for sure no . All virtues must work together , they complete each other . No doubt , God is humble in heart , this appears when He became flesh for our sake and dwelt among us as a simple man , but this should not let us forget that He is the creator and He alone is perfect and absolute in all virtues and attributes . We see on earth many kings who are very humble , and they love their peoples but still they remain as kings , and still they like that their peoples honor them , and even their peoples like the same . Now God is the King of kings and Lord of lords and God of gods , and He is the source of all glory , so why some people have bad thoughts in their minds toward Him?! If He gives His authority or His glory to any other creature , the whole universe will be destroyed , no creature will be able at any time to control everything , only God , and God alone is Almighty , and so He alone is worthy of all glory . And so , again , it is for our good to glorify Him , and that He always be all in all .
+ Now let us take some examples about how God likes to glorify and sanctify , Himself and His name :
1] The Lord says "Ezek 36 : 23 and I will sanctify my great name … and the nations shall know that I am the Lord, says the Lord God , when I am hallowed in you before their eyes"
2] Before the people of Israel came out of Egypt God struck Egypt with the plagues , that He and His name may be sanctified "Ex 14 : 18" , and that the Egyptians may know that He is the true God "Ex 7 :5 / 14 : 4 / 14 : 18" . See , God's Justice made Him strike Egypt , but His love and mercy were ready to receive them if they repented and knew that He is the true God .
3] Christ says "Jn 17 : 19 For their sakes I sanctify Myself , that they may also be sanctified by the truth" , it is clear here , that whenever He is sanctified , or glorified , it is for our good .
4] In "Num 20 : 12 / 27 : 12 – 14" God told Moses and Aaron to sanctify Him before the people of Israel , and when they did not do what He told them , He punished them , forbidding them to bring the congregation of Israel into the promised land .
+ Prayers : [Lord please , let me always glorify and sanctify , You and Your name , before people , exactly as You like and according to Your will] .
+++ Not glorifying God :
If someone does not glorify God , whether by his deeds or by his words , or even in his heart , he may be punished .
1] We have just seen in the previous paragraph , how God punished Moses and Aaron "Num 20 : 12 / 27 : 12 – 14" , although they were great saints .
2] Also "Acts 12 : 21 – 23 … immediately an angel of the Lord struck him (struck Herod) , because he did not give glory to the Lord , and he was eaten by warms and died" .
3] "Malachi 2 : 2 If you will not hear , and if you will not take it to heart , to give glory to My name , says the Lord of hosts , I will send a curse upon you , and I will curse your blessings . Yes I have cursed them already because you do not take to heart" . See , this is a very important point , just because they did not glorify God in their hearts , he cursed them . We all know the verse "Prov 23 ; 26 My son , give Me your heart" . In "Deut 28" God confirms that we must love , with all our hearts , to do His commandments , please read this chapter . That is why I am writing this book , and that is why , I many times , say in it that we must always glorify Him with all our hearts and with complete and perfect love and spiritual joy , so that we all may receive His blessings , and everything will be good for us .
+ Prayers : [Lord please , have mercy on me , always fill my heart with Your love , and let me always glorify You in my heart and in my thoughts . Always , by You and in You and in Your name , bless me , bless my spirit , my soul and my body and all what is in me and all what I have . And please never curse me nor strike me] .
The Three Hypostases (Persons) of God ,
Glorify Each Other
"Jn 8 : 54 … It is My Father who honors Me" , "Jn 16 : 14 He (the Holy Spirit) will glorify me …" , "Jn 17 : 4 I have glorified You on the earth , … , and now O Father glorify me together with Yourself …" . Also read the gospel of John chapters 12 -17 .
- So , if the three hypostases of God glorify each other , how much more should we glorify them . We must glorify God as the only One True God , and must glorify each hypostasis of God . I thank God that all churches glorify the Father and the Son , but , I hope that all churches also glorify the Holy Spirit , as much as it should be .
+++ The Name (The Names) of God and His Attributes +++
Because this subject is new to many people , so I would like first to say many things with some details about the name (the names) of God , so that no one , becomes against me , or thinks that I am … .
May God , the Almighty , the King of Peace , give us all His peace , and give us all the correct understanding , and let us all love each other and love Him and love His glorious and great name .
+ [1]] First , please know that I write and speak , about the name of God , because the Holy Bible commands us to do so "Ps 22 :22 / Heb 2 :12 I will declare Your name to my brethren",
+ [2]] Second , for sure you have noticed that in this book , many times I say that we all should glorify , sanctify , bless , praise , magnify , thank and love God's name , so someone might have already asked , from where did you get all these things ?!
I want to confirm that I learn everything from the Holy Bible , I do not write from my own mind , nor from my own resources .
- I knew that we should do all this from many verses , some of which are :
1) Glorify God's name : "Ps 86 : 12 … I will glorify Your name forevermore" . "Judith 7 : 24" , "Ps 115 : 1"
2) Sanctify God's name : the Lord says "Ezek 36 : 23 and I will sanctify my great name" .
3) Bless and praise God's name : "Ps 145 : 1, 2 I will bless Your name forever and ever , … , and I will praise Your name forever and ever" , "Ps 68 : 4 / 69 : 30 / 135 : 3" .
4) Magnify and exalt God's name : "Ps 99 : 3 Let them praise Your great and awesome name" , "Ps 69 : 30" , "1Kg 8 : 42" . Also , God said to Abraham "Gen 12 : 2 I will … make your name great" , so if God magnifies and exalts the names of the saints , how much more should we magnify and exalt His name .
5) Love God's name : "Is 56 : 6 to love the name of the Lord" .
6) Give thanks to His name : "Heb 13 : 15 giving thanks to His name" .
+ [3]] Some important points related to God's name :
1) We should rejoice in God's name "Ps 89 : 16" .
2) We "Zech 10 : 12 shall walk up and down in His name" .
3) We should , pray in the name of the Lord , and call on His name , this is one of the most important things in this book . It is done since the time of Adam and Seth his son "Gen 4 : 26 … then men began to call on the name of the Lord" . In the Old Testament "Ps 80 : 18 Revive us , and we will call upon Your name". And now in the New Testament "1Cor 1 : 2 call on the name of Jesus Christ" . Also when we pray in churches we begin our prayers in the name of God .
If anyone does not call on the name of Lord , the wrath of God may come upon him "Jer 10 : 25 Pour out Your fury on the Gentiles … who do not call on Your name" .
- Important Note : We should use each name of God in the suitable situation and circumstances .
+ [4]] Some verses in the New Testament :
That we should believe in His name , have faith in it , and then will have life in it : "Jn 1 : 12 as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name" , "Acts 3 : 16 through faith in His name" . And "John 20 : 31 believing you may have life in His name" .
+ [5]] Even God : 1) He calls us by our names , He says to us "Is 43 : 1 Fear not , for I have redeemed you , I have called you by your name , you are mine" . And He knows us by name "Ex 33 : 17" . 2) And Christ , will confess the names of His beloved who overcomes , before the father and His angels "Rev 3 : 5 He who overcomes … I will confess his name before My Father and before His angels" .
+ Important Note : Using God's name , we should be very careful : 1) lest we sin , "Ex 20 : 7 / Deut 5 : 11 You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain , for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain" . 2) and lest anyone blaspheme God's name because of us .
+ How to praise God , and pray and ask from Him , using His names :
- Many saints like to praise God and honor Him using a name or more of His names or of His attributes , and God Himself likes us to do this , and He Himself does the same :
[1]] God Himself sometimes uses one of His names , in His speech , in what He says , to confirm something or to do a certain thing :
- "Deut 5 : 6 I am the Lord your God" , so He uses His names "the Lord" and "God" , "our God" , "my God" .
- "Is 51 : 12 I , even I , am He who comforts you" , He uses His name or His attribute "the Comforter" "Jn14 : 26 /15 : 26 /16 : 7".
- "Is 43 : 25 I , even I , am He who blots out your transgressions" , so it is He who forgives sins .
+ So now we can use these names or any of them in our prayers , saying for example [O Lord my God , You are the comforter , so please comfort me , and You are He who forgives sins , so please forgive me my sins and my transgressions]
[2]] The following are 2 verses of what saints said to praise and honor God using one or more of His names or His attributes while praying or talking to God (or talking to other people) :
- "2 kings 19 : 15 O Lord God of Israel , the One who dwells between the cherubim . You are God , You alone , (You alone are the God) , of all the kingdoms of the earth … You have made heaven and earth" , in this verse Hezekiah says "You are …" , so we can use it with God's names to honor and glorify God and show our love to Him .
- "2 Chr 20 : 6 You rule over all the kingdoms … in Your hand is power and might … no one is able to withstand You" .
[3]] We can do the same using "O" :
- "Ps 71 : 22 O Holy One of Israel" , "Ps 54 : 2 hear my prayer , O God" , so , we can pray saying for example [O God , the Holy One , sanctify me …] .
- "2 Sam 7 : 22 You are great , O Lord God , for there is none like You" .
- Rev 15 : 3 Lord God Almighty … , O King of the saints!
+ These were just examples .
+ If any one likes more , he can collect more , to use them to praise God or to ask certain things from God or to do certain things by the help and support of God and His names . For instance , if someone wants to do a very hard thing which needs the might of God , he can pray saying , [O Lord God Almighty , the Mighty Lord and Mighty God , please do … for me , in Your name I pray …] , and after God does it for him , he can pray and praise God saying [I thank you and glorify You , O Lord , for You alone are the Almighty God , no one is like You …] .
+ In addition to all the names of God we mentioned in this book , here are some more names of God :
"Is 9: 6 His name will be called , Wonderful , Counselor , Mighty God , Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace"
"Ps 44 : 4 You are my King , O God"
"Ps 24 the God of our salvation … the King of glory .. the Lord strong and mighty , the Lord mighty in battle
+ Before we ask from God the things we want , we can say : [O Lord God , please , 1) for Your Glory and for Your name's glory , 2) for Your sake and for Your name's sake , 3) in You and by You and in Your name and by Your name] , and then we ask for what we want .
1) For Your Glory "1 Peter 4 : 11 that in all things God may be glorified" .
and for Your name's glory "2 Thess 1 : 12 that the name of our Lord Jesus Christ may be glorified in you" .
2) for Your sake "Ps 44 : 22 / Rom 8 : 36 for Your sake , we are …" .
and for Your name's sake "Ps 79 : 9 Help us , O God … , for the glory of Your name , and deliver us … for Your name's sake" .
3) in You "Ps 71 : 1 In You , O Lord , I put my trust" .
and by You "Deut 33 : 29 … saved by the Lord" .
and in Your name " Gen 4 : 26 then men began to call on the name of the Lord" "Mt 18 : 5 Whoever receives one little child like this in My name receives Me". "Mt 18 : 20 For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them" , "Mk 9 : 41 whoever gives you a cup of water to drink in My name, because you belong to Christ" , "Mk 16 : 17 And these signs will follow those who believe , In My name they will cast out demons
and by Your name "Acts 4 : 10 by the name of Jesus Christ" .
+ Now , to make it better and more easier , after you collect as many names as you like , you can always praise God by using them , for instance , you can say [O Lord God Almighty , You are the Holy One , You are my King and the King of the saints , You are the King of kings , the Lord of lords , the God of gods and the master of all , You are the Comforter , the Hope of the needy , You are the Great , the Glorious , the Blessed , the Wonderful , the Counselor , the Everlasting Father , the Prince of Peace and the King of Peace , You are my Father , my Master , my King , my Lord , my God and my Beloved forevermore , You are …] .
+ Then , and / or , also and again , you can use them with "O" . And then ask any thing from God : [O Lord God Almighty , O Holy One , O King of the kings … , I ask You , please , for Your Glory and for Your name's glory , for Your sake and for Your name's sake , and in You and by You and in Your name and by Your name , have mercy on me (on us) and on all Your people in the whole world , let us all glorify You and Your holy name , fill us all with good virtues , and cast away any vices that are in us , deliver us from every evil , let all Your churches be in one unity , and do for the salvation of every one . Amen .] .
+++ The name of God is also important to bless people :
1) When the priests bless the people "Num 6 : 22 – 27" .
Also the tribe of Levi blessed in His name "Deut 10 : 8" .
2) When God blesses a man, or a father blesses his son , or a person blesses others . For instance , when Isaac blessed Jacob , he said to him "Gen 28 : 3 May God Almighty bless you …" , he used the name "Almighty" because this kind of blessing needs God's might , and God Himself when He blessed Jacob , used the same name "Gen 35 : 11" . Also David , when he blessed the people of Israel , he blessed them using the name "the Lord of hosts" "2 Sam 6 : 18" because in his days there were many wars , this was the same name by which he overpowered and killed Goliath .
- So briefly and simply , we ought to use the right name in the right situation and the right circumstances .
+++ The names of people and angels are also important :
It is important to choose for your son or your daughter , the name that has the meaning you like , it may affect his or her life .
The names of the angels also coincide with their work . The name [Michael] means [who is like God] , when Satan wanted to be like God , Michael stood against him and was the leader of the war against him .
+ Most probably , it will be the same with us in the eternal life , the Lord Christ said "Rev 2 : 17 To him who overcomes … I will give him a white stone, and on the stone a new name written which no one knows except him who receives it" .
We will also have the name of God written on our foreheads "Rev 22 : 4 / 14 : 1" .
- Jesus Christ , the Son of God , in flesh , as a man , He had some names like "Jesus" , and "Immanuel" which meant "God with us" .
+++ It is good to know that most of what we said about our relation toward God can be applied to our relation with men , here on earth and in the eternal life .
1) As we love God , we should love men , but love them through our love to God .
2) And as we thank God , we should thank whoever does any good thing for us "1 Thess 5 : 18 in everything give thanks , for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus" .
3) And as everyone must honor God and glorify Him , everyone should honor and glorify , through God , his father and his mother and the saints and angels of God , but of course , God must be first of all .
+++ From the best angels and saints who glorified God :
1] Archangel Michael : as we said it was he who stood against Satan when he rebelled against God and wanted to be like Him . He is always ready to do the same to any other creature if he rebels against God . But on the other hand , he always helps God's people and saints , and intercedes for us .
I think this is why God made him the first archangel , because he always puts God the first of all , so God made him the first of all , he glorified God in all the spiritual world , so God glorified him in all the spiritual world and the world of the human beings .
2] David the king and the prophet , the great psalmist : this is why God gave David much glory , even since he was a child , because he loved God very much , he glorified God and His name in all his life more than any other saint mentioned in the Holy Bible , his Psalms are full of many things related to God's glory , most of the verses I used in this book are from the Psalms . I think most people love David , in the people of Israel and in other peoples all over the world in all generations . For sure this is his reward from God , because he let people love God and His name , so God let all peoples love Him , he glorified God and so God glorified him .
+ Of course , all other saints , glorified God one way or another . I can even say , that saints have not become saints because they were righteous , but first because they loved and glorified God , and so God helped them to become righteous .
+ If you want to be like David , take some of his nice , beautiful and wonderful words to God , like "Ps 18 : 1 I will love you O Lord my strength" , "Ps 34 : 8 Oh taste and see that the Lord is good" , and psalms 148 , 149 , 150 , study them by heart , keep reciting them , meditate in them , so they will grow inside you , and then by time they will bear much fruits inside you and to others .
- Also if you like , while you read or pray any Psalm or any other part in the Holy Bible , if you find a good verse or prayer that can glorify God or that you can pray , write it down in a piece of paper or in a copybook , collect and gather them together , study them by heart … . This is what Solomon the king did , after he became king , he gathered many proverbs which are in the book of "Proverbs" , he contemplated on everything around him , then after many years or may be at the end of his life , he wrote "Ecclesiastes" which is considered the best wisdom book in the Holy Bible , after the sayings of our Lord , the Wisdom of God "1 Cor 1 : 24" and the Word of God "Jn 1 : 1" , Jesus Christ , "Col 2 : 3 in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge".
+++ What will this book profit us?!
Someone may say [what profit is there from this book?! We all love God and glorify Him] .
No my dear , not everyone loves God and not everyone glorifies God , many people don't know anything about this or that , they don't know anything written in this book , some others know but don't understand things the right way , others understand but need opinions of others to be better , … . If you really and in truth , love God and want to glorify Him and His name , please , write another book or give sermons , and believe me I will rejoice for you and for those who profit from you , and I will rejoice more , and be exceedingly glad , for the glory of God and His name .
+ In this book there are many new things . We try to understand things better and with more details and meditate and contemplate on them , that they may be in our minds and hearts better and deeper , St. Paul says " 1 Cor 14 : 15 I will pray with the spirit, and I will also pray with the understanding. I will sing with the spirit, and I will also sing with the understanding", so understanding is important .
+ Now , some of what we can profit from this book are :
1] Always , in our works , in our deeds , in what we say , and in all our lives , we must glorify God and His name , and must have Him become everything to us .
2] Always sing spiritual songs , hymns and Psalms .
3] Always , day and night , meditate in God and in His glorious works and in His verses of the Holy Bible , for this is very useful to you and for your life in all fields , and it will also help you to glorify God much more and much better .
4] Always pray for the glory of God and of His name , it confirms your love to God , it brings many blessings , and it is good for you and for the whole universe .
God will reward you much .
5] We now understand a lot about the name (the names) of God , and how we can use them . We can now , easily and respectfully , use them in a better and more useful way .
6] We have seen how God Himself likes to be Glorified , and wants us to Glorify Him in what we do and say , and in our hearts , and if we do not glorify him , we shall be punished .
7] We also knew that some of what we said about God can be applied in our relations with men .
8) And we got more information about the glory that we shall have with God , in the eternal life , and so we shall live the best , greatest , and most wonderful life , with and in , the Lord of life "2 Maccabees 14 : 46" .
+++ May God the Merciful , have mercy upon us all . And may He and His name be glorified .
+ To Him and to His name , be all , glory , sanctification , praise , blessings , honor and power forevermore .
Amen and Amen and Amen
Subject [Title] Page
Important note 1
Meditations in God 2
The Glory of the Saints 3
How to glorify God 4
+ Does God really need our prayers ? 5
+ God Himself , likes to glorify Himself and His name , and likes that He and His name be glorified 6
+ Not glorifying God 6
+ The Three Hypostases (Persons) of God Glorify Each Other 7
The Name (The Names) of God and His Attributes 7
+ How to praise God and pray and ask from Him , using His names 8
+ The name of God is also important to bless people 10
+ The names of people and angels are also important 10
+ Most of what we said about our relation toward God can be applied to our relation with men 10
+ From the best angels and saints who glorified God 10
What will this book profit us ?! 11