Are seeking ambassadors for Christ
Monk, Father Ignatius Bishoy

Christian has a human role in society. The Lord did not tell us. You are the light the church, but said, "You are the light of the world" + was 14:5 +, did not tell us You are the salt of Christians, but said, "You are the salt of the earth" + was 5:5 + ...
The Apostle Paul says "We are ambassadors for Christ was God preaches Us" + 2 Cor 20:5 +, but that the Lord told us
"If Vlidi your light before men, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven" + was 16:5 + if Christian: -
Nur ....... Salt ....... Ambassador
The sense that it lights up for sitting in the darkness in the depths of which Valenor defeat evil and sin in society. If it is a dual role: the ability to defeat the darkness and filth, and the dissemination of holiness and light. Believer Bible Belt and a letter known and read of all the people "You are our epistle written in our hearts, known, known and read of all the people" + 2 Cor 2:3 +.
That is, pure white and able to dissolve in the world without being lost .. Valmlh melts and disappears in the food, but never lost ... Just as salt preserves food from corruption, as well as the insured saves the society from corruption Bakdotp good ... But if the salt, ie, if the insured Sidetrack What advice can be salted, Sidas people actually "You are the salt of the earth, but how would that mess salt salting of something is not fit yet but the cast out and trodden people" + was 13:5 +.
Just as the ambassador to his nationality and language of a strange alien and his country home last Howes and loving to his homeland and his native land there is the heavenly, heavenly, nationality, language, the language of the heavenly "We are ambassadors for Christ was God preach us," + 2 Cor 20:5 + .. The body in the world but his heart was in the sky .. Live in the world without to live when the world "into the world to me and I to the world" + Gal 14:6 + provides a picture of Christ and behaviors and be the best ambassador during his daily life on earth, and also reflects the Ambassador an unequivocal expression of his advance good image and behavior of an ideal so a student of Jesus Christ must submit to the world transactions are all goodness and love and peace. Reflect the image of a Lady "this everyone will know you if you have love for one another" + U 35:13 +
Monk, Father Ignatius Bishoy
Are seeking ambassadors for Christ
Christian has a human role in society. The Lord did not tell us. You are the light the church, but said, "You are the light of the world" + was 14:5 +, did not tell us You are the salt of Christians, but said, "You are the salt of the earth" + was 5:5 + ...
The Apostle Paul says "We are ambassadors for Christ was God preaches Us" + 2 Cor 20:5 +, but that the Lord told us
"If Vlidi your light before men, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven" + was 16:5 + if Christian: -
Nur ....... Salt ....... Ambassador
The sense that it lights up for sitting in the darkness in the depths of which Valenor defeat evil and sin in society. If it is a dual role: the ability to defeat the darkness and filth, and the dissemination of holiness and light. Believer Bible Belt and a letter known and read of all the people "You are our epistle written in our hearts, known, known and read of all the people" + 2 Cor 2:3 +.
That is, pure white and able to dissolve in the world without being lost .. Valmlh melts and disappears in the food, but never lost ... Just as salt preserves food from corruption, as well as the insured saves the society from corruption Bakdotp good ... But if the salt, ie, if the insured Sidetrack What advice can be salted, Sidas people actually "You are the salt of the earth, but how would that mess salt salting of something is not fit yet but the cast out and trodden people" + was 13:5 +.
Just as the ambassador to his nationality and language of a strange alien and his country home last Howes and loving to his homeland and his native land there is the heavenly, heavenly, nationality, language, the language of the heavenly "We are ambassadors for Christ was God preach us," + 2 Cor 20:5 + .. The body in the world but his heart was in the sky .. Live in the world without to live when the world "into the world to me and I to the world" + Gal 14:6 + provides a picture of Christ and behaviors and be the best ambassador during his daily life on earth, and also reflects the Ambassador an unequivocal expression of his advance good image and behavior of an ideal so a student of Jesus Christ must submit to the world transactions are all goodness and love and peace. Reflect the image of a Lady "this everyone will know you if you have love for one another" + U 35:13 +