Gifts of God and their uses

Gifts of God and their uses

"Gave gifts to people" (Eph 4: 8   )
+ The Lord gave people the things are many and varied, and may be beneficial or harmful, because of the way and purpose of their use, may be used for good, may be used in evil, and damage to the same people.

God did not create a harmful substance to humans, but harm depends on the use of a harmful way, and examples of this are many:

1 - has God has given us a passion of love: and called us to love (1 Jn 4: 7) God of their heart (Deuteronomy 6: 5) and loving people (Matthew 22:39) to love the enemy as well, and pray for the mercy of God. But often deviates love Tahir , desires to love (1 Jn 2:15 - 16)              And to love the world (Ie 4: 4) and self-love and love emerging ... Etc..

2 - and money is not evil in itself: but the evil in the misuse, ie, in leisure and entertainment, and pleasures, and in other things do not glorify God (such as bribery).

And if the money was a blessing in the hands of the sons of God, such as Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and Job (ie 29) and Joseph of Arimathea (Matthew 27: 57), Ibrahim El Moallem and Aonba Abraam bishop of Fayoum and Giza and many others.

+ And uses the money to make ends meet in the fundamentals, and to assist the needy, and in building houses of worship, hospitals, schools, and create jobs for the unemployed, and in spent in the many aspects of good ... Etc..
3 - Anger is not evil in itself: there is anger, "Sacred," which brings jealousy Holy (enthusiasm) and the glorious and magnanimity, and defend the faith and the right (anger of Moses on the worship of the Jews in haste, and defense heroes of faith, the martyrs and confessors of the faith And belief).

If the swerve anger about abuse, cruelty and evil words is written vehicle, and a stumbling block for people, and the loss of the same.

4 - and art is not in writing: Poetry of David and Solomon, but it should not deviate art to raise the physical instincts,"everything is clean for the pure" (Ti 1:15).

Of 5 - and imagination: a source of inspiration for poetry, literature, art and reflect on the spiritual, and attributes of God, the virtues of the Apostles and saints.
Becomes worse if misjudge use (wishful thinking, and absent-mindedness, Vidhar the sick imagination).

6 - and ambition be good: if the pursuit of spiritual perfection (in 3:13), scientific, and not only become financially ambitious, leads to greatness, envy, and hatred .... Etc..

7 - talent and the mind of God: Intelligence is used for good, not evil (criminals) and measure plots (Ahithophel + Jezebel)   , And harm others (maker of the Jewish men of religion of Christ).

8 - and inventions: may be used for good and in evil, such as energy watchdog, satellite TV, Internet and computer, and all means of modern communications revolution.