Doing good
"Learn to do good" (Isaiah 1:17 )
+ Divine advice should we work, every day of our lives, let our lives blessed and fruitful, in order to imitate Jesus is Lord, "maker of good things" (Acts 10:38).
+ It is a condition to do good and righteousness:
To be in secret, without hypocrisy or pride, and generously, and humility, and love, and without reproach or wound the sense, without demanding payment (not for fear of retribution, not in anticipation of reward)
+ And commands us our Lord Jesus, the need for the good of all people, even enemies "do good to those who hate you" (Matthew 5:44), to extract the spirit of evil and hatred from their hearts,"Valihassan cut the tongue," says a popular proverb.
+ And NIV Bible:
* "Lust of the righteous (work) is only good" (or 11:23).
* The singer "silent (stopped) for good, moved and Djay"(Psalm 39: 2) No underlay my conscience.
+ Good Man, sorry for not doing good for others in time.
+, "Said Solomon:" Do not prevent good for his family (beneficiaries), while it is in your hand power to do, at least to your companion (the needy) promised to go, I will make tomorrow, and present (thing) you have "(or 3: 27-28).
+ He says the Prophet Amos: "Hate evil, and love (work) good"(A 5:15), is it doing? . This important principle is required implementation, constantly.
+ Says St. Paul the Apostle: "As an opportunity, let us do good to all, particularly to people of faith" (Gal 6:10).
+ Peter the Apostle says: "This is God's will, but you have good"(1 Pt 2:15).
+ It is like many men well:
* Abraham, Joseph, David, Abigail, Women Shunammite, and a woman purely Saida, and Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus, and Cornelius, Bishop Nicholas (aka Santa Claus), St. Sarabamoun Abu Scarves and Abba Abram Bishop of Fayoum and Giza, and teachers come Ibrahim Gerges substantial ... . Etc..
+ And working methods of good are many:
1 - contribute financially and in kind: (giving money, clothing, food and medicine). 
2 - tender word benefit: Each spiritually ignorant, and Alambtaadin by the Lord and his home, and every miserable and desperate, and each addict or a deviant, and each failed, and every evil ...... Etc..
3 - to give private lessons free (if you can), and buy books for needy students, in all stages of study, and the payment of school fees .... Etc..
4 - Contribute to the material in providing shelters for those who are homeless, especially those affected by accidents and disasters, earthquakes ...... Etc..
5 - Purchase the needs of the Bride (poor) And cover their heads financially.
6 - treatment of the poor, and contribute to the cost of surgery to those in need, and provide medicines for poor patients, doctors and pharmacists (from Ashoarham).
7 - empathy and emotional (in good times and bad) "Rejoice with them that rejoice, and weeping with them that weep" (Romans 12:15).
8 - console the broken-hearted at the passing of their loved ones, and management assistance to them and their children orphans, and widows.
9 - spreading the word of God: in villages and in urban slums, and squatter areas.
+ And always do (Oh, my brother / my sister) sentiments of Jesus the Lord of glory, in the Gospel of St. Matthew (25: 35-40), inherit the kingdom of heaven, and happy on the ground, and in eternal glory.