I'm not going to church does not need - I'm tired
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(From the Book of Orchard Spirit Part III - for Mtinih St Yoannis) was the late soldier Pham works warden station railway and had been a close personal relationship Palmtinih HG Bishop Yoannis Metropolitan Bank said to Jesus (I long ago I suffered pain in my stomach even drinking water was my stomach to Ataathmlh. But after What landed Abu Grace (eg Mar Girgis) hand until it ended in me all the pain) This is the story: - a soldier with liver disease and the time he was assistant station near Balsmtp inaugurated in Upper Egypt. , It turned out he was suffering from an abscess of the liver and display the same Ottiyae many, the whole everyone should act surgery in the liver and result of this process at that time (since sixty years when you print the book in 1985) before the advent of antibiotics is Try in a thousand ... Based on the weakness of hope in the success of the process rejected the idea. One Sunday morning, I feel very tired too, did not undermine to go to church, and he had to deliver a sermon in the Liturgy .. It is the severity of fatigue threw himself on the bed and said (I'm not going to church, no need) .. Nam, and in his sleep saw a dream ... He saw a man wearing white clothes, such as doctors who perform surgery and said to him (then in their sleep on Sunday and Aivhb of the church) answered with a soldier (I'm tired I go exhausted.going back to normal). Replied the man (and of every one I do not victimize Dr. What for hide and Ihremc himself from going to church?)) Answered with a soldier (man I started for the doctors and said the necessary of the surgery) said to him, the man (Medical not process work What for ease) answered with a soldier (until like that Omc claimed the work processes. If God can not it works for me, surgery, go to the doctors. But if our Lord not helpless, it is impossible to work process. and kept the best like that) said to him, the man (Are you determined this?) answered with a soldier (yes Onamsamm) . With the troops said that the man extended his hand to my stomach from the right, the area of the liver and opens like whispers. And took out the liver and excised the abscess. After he was done, he worked his hand on my stomach like whispers close. In the good facilitators woke up without any pain .. It was with the troops to suffer from pain in the stomach, recovered the implication .. It was not only the martyr Abu Grace Great St. George, who carried out the attack and Astos abscess. Swimming prayers be with us.