"Foolish underestimate the discipline of his father" (Proverbs 15:
+ Tolerance
: A method or a negative act, in all fields of religion, or social, or scientific or academic, or other, of course, leads to negative results in harmful and dangerous for the same people.
: A method or a negative act, in all fields of religion, or social, or scientific or academic, or other, of course, leads to negative results in harmful and dangerous for the same people.
+ Brothers and neglect, laziness and complacency, and lack of seriousness in the work, and the postponement without justification, and indulgence in the act of evil, and obedience to Satan and evil people, without thinking of the serious consequences Jaddallihmal, accidents, various diseases resulting from it.
+ Indulgence and young people to accept the advice wicked their friends, driving to learn harmful habits (smoking, drugs, alcohol), and lead to slavery, and written and diseases, which accelerates the death of a corrupt young people (Ja 7:19).
+ It is dangerous and careless human-non-Hakim, lack of interesthis future and eternal Ground, Vev_l in the world, misery and suffering in the Hereafter.
+ And His Holiness Pope Shenouda III: "Rights to the Secretary does not tolerate any sin, because it is enmity with God, and is on the holiness of God ".
+ The Bible warned against complacency in dealing with the sins of man, which seems that it is trivial, though very serious, and should be - then - to resist the evil of the small foxes, Chrome, and usually not be underestimated in any harmful, regardless of the health effects are currently limited
+ The length of the wicked relatives of complacency, in listening to his advice, and taunted them, Vaanrkoa with all the inhabitants of Sodom corrupt.
+ And a lack of hearing all the bad guys in the words of Noah, Vhlkua in the flood.
+ And a lack of Jews in hearing the advice of the Lord Jesus, Jerusalem Voanrguet fire and scattered all over the world globe.
+ And called the wedding companions, but they scoffed at the invitation is accepted, also denied of the kingdom. "(Matt. 22).
+ And Isaiah said the Children of Israel fools: "They left the Lord,despised the Holy One of Israel" (Isaiah 1: 4), Vtm Spehm to Iraq and Persia, and the destruction of the Temple Mount, and dispersion in the world.
+ Solomon said: "Keep the commandment, kept himself, and negligent ringed die" (or 19:16) any perish Pthawneh and not wisdom and dishonesty!! Which, unfortunately, is common now!
+ It must be a serious Christian believer, and non-submissive disregard for evil, but led decisively and firmly to the path of salvation, "said St. Paul the Apostle to his disciple Bishop Timothy:
* "Let no one despise your youth, but set an example for the believers in speech, in the disposition (firmly), in love, in the joy of the spirit, in faith, in purity" (1 Tim 4:12).
+ And asked St Paul the Apostle of the student need to Titus To speak with the believers in Christ to be represented in the Cross Download the pain for the world, and not to disregard one of this speech:
* "Savior, Jesus Christ, who gave Himself for us, to redeem us from all iniquity and purify for himself a people zealous in the work of faith, spoke of this in one despise you" (Ti 2:13 - 15)
+ Beware (Oh, my brother / my sister) of tolerance in matters of your spiritual life and practical, so as not to fail in your life on the ground, and lose your position in eternal glory.
A series of God's revelation of himself in the Old Testament - Training
By A - Asaad Abdel-Sayyed
Master of pastoral guidance - University of Edinburgh - Scotland
Diploma in Sociology - University of Edinburgh - Scotland
Server Bapracip Beni Suef and Cairo
A series of God's revelation of himself in the Old Testament
"Abraham rejoiced to see the Day", "Moses wrote of me", "David calls me Lord." (Jn 56:8, 46:5, 45:22)
Through these verses we are looking for Christ in the Old Testament, the more we read the Bible carefully, back propagation of us said the words of Christ from the Old Testament.
- In the service of Christ Aljharrip in the synagogue at Nazareth, use the words of Isaiah the Prophet "Spirit of the Lord because he has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor, sent me to heal a broken heart," said "Today this scripture has been in your ears"
(Luke 18:4 -21).
- Christ pointed to twenty people in the Old Testament people in nine years traveling.
- The Christ created man, the marriage system, the date of Noah, Abraham, Lot and coup of Sodom and Gomorrah, spoke on the appearance of God to Moses in the bush and the manna and the Ten Commandments and the tax of Finance, and Shariah weather what to do about the leper, and law literature Great Britain ie, "love thy neighbor as thyself," referred to the living and the law of copper vows, said the escape of David and the glory of Solomon and the Queen's visit Sbalh and the descent of Elijah and the widow of a purely healing Naaman the Syrian was killed Zechariah.
- When the DNA of the Cross of Christ, he cited the canon "Behold, we go up to Jerusalem, and will be all that is written in the prophets concerning the Son of Man" (Luke 31:18). "For I say to you that it should be also in the written and counted with the transgressors. Because what is on my part have an end" (Lk 37:22). On the night he handed over to his enemies to complete the prophecies
"Die 3:26, 53, 54, passed 48:14-49"
- After the resurrection of Christ from the dead, said the two boys pole position to Emmaus, "O Ghabian, and slow of heart to believe all spoke by the prophets. As it should be that Christ suffered these things and enter into his glory. And beginning at Moses and all the prophets, he expounded to them the things concerning himself in all the books ". (Lk 25:24-27). They proved Christ's explanation that a whole that the Old Testament bears witness to Christ the New Testament.
- The Christ, the one will "years, and said unto them, These are the words which I spoke to him and I'm still with you that we have to be all that is written about me in the law of Moses and the prophets and the Psalms. Then He opened their mind to understand the books. And said unto them, Thus it is written, and thus should have been the Christ to suffer The rise from the dead on the third day. " (Lk 44:24-46).
- It has been shown Christ in Revelation is still Iqtbasmn holy books is symptomatic of the same Bhspktp that went with them, which on the ground, where he says "Fear not, I am the first and the other neighborhood and I was dead and now I am alive forever and ever Amen Crown keys of hell and death." (Rev 17:1 - 18), and then he says, referring to himself, "who has the key of David, who opens and no one is close and close and no one opens." (Revelation 7:3). He used the example that Christ's words are contained in the prophecy of Isaiah, "6:44, 22:22." It is true that Christ holds the key to understanding the Scriptures, it is that opens the mind of the humble to accept that Divine Secrets.
(We will follow the signs, symbols, prophecies, sacrifices, the events that refer to Christ in the Old Testament and which shows very clearly, "God's revelation of Himself")
First: Genesis
Divided into two parts :1-11 talk about the history of the world short, the beginning of creation to confuse the tongues.
12-50 speak about the history of Abraham and his descendants to the death of his grandson, Joseph.
(1) prophecies
Tech 15:3) for the promise of offspring of women who crushed head of the serpent, the completion of that prophecy is contained in (Hebrews 9:2-14) also reported that the promise of God to bless all the nations of the world the seed of Abraham "Tech 18:12" and reiterated in the "Tech 3: 12, 7:17, 12:21. " God renewed the promise to Isaac, "Tech 4:26," and then to Jacob, "Tech 14:28," and repeated a second when the blessed father of Judah Jacob "Tech 10:49" The Lord Jesus was given the title "Lion of the tribe of Judah" (Rev 5:5 ) "The scepter shall not depart from Judah, buyer p from between his feet until Shiloh comes with the subject peoples" (Shiloh is a man of comfort and peace).
"This will be great and I'm named Almighty Lord God gives him the throne of David his father. And has the house of Jacob forever and His kingdom is not the end." (Luke 32:1, 33.)
(2) symbols:
+ Adam: as the father of mankind, and as the conflict between him and Christ, Adam try to Satan and fell, but Christ Try and won. "For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous." (Romans 19:5).
+ Melchisedec: (Genesis 17:14-20) King of righteousness, the king of peace, the king and the priest, almost the Son of God (Hebrews 3:7, 4), (Hebrews 14:2), "Do not initially days or end of life, remains a priest forever. "
+ Isaac: Isaac is one of offering complete written symbols indicating the great sacrifice sanctified in Golgotha. When we compare between Mount Moriah (Genesis 22) and Mount Calvary. We find the full code of Isaac and Jesus Christ.
+ Joseph: loved his father and selling price of his brothers Abdul, has emerged as a server and resisted the experiment and was sentenced to prison and then raised to the rank of Prince of Makhlsooatty Bread for the world. "(Genesis 20:50, Acts 23:2)
+ Curse on the earth: (Genesis 18:3), the curse referred to by the pierced and thistles, refer to the Savior, when solid, carrying on the head signal Fuck this, since they made it a crown of thorns, when it became a curse for us.
+ Abel's sacrifice: (Genesis 4:4) symbolizes the Lamb of God, as well as see the Lamb of God in all examples of covenants that God promised the rights and have all been based on sacrifice (Genesis 20:8, 11:9, 1:15-18) Christ is the guarantor and the carcass of a better covenant referred to covenants mentioned in (Hebrews 22:7).
+ Noah's Ark: "a symbol of God's salvation prepared for man in the person of Christ." "The man is a hiding place from the wind and a curtain of water in the stream Txoaqy dry place like a shadow in the land of great rock flawed." (Isaiah 2:32).
+ Jacob's Ladder: that arrived between heaven and earth, which is also an example of Christ.
(3) Special appearances under the name of angel of the Lord:
Appear under the name of the angel of the Lord, Christ is the same. "God was manifested in the flesh," Christ said, "Before Abraham was, I object."
+ (Gen 7:16 -14) appearing to Hagar, "multiply your seed," this is not only said to the Lord himself. "She prayed to the Lord's name, who you spoke to her Il insights. Which means" You are God's perspective of me. "
+ (Tech 22:18 - 1:19) Lord appeared to Abram at the oaks of conduit, lift the conclusion of the eyes and looked, and if the three men stood by him and then was still standing before the Lord, we find angel of God calling him from heaven, saying, "myself sworn saith Jehovah," and here know that the word of the Lord and the angel of the Lord, so synonymous is true that we use one other subject.
+ (Genesis 11:31-13) angel of the Lord addresses Jacob, saying, "I am the God of Bethel" and Kzlksraiaqhobamaalinsanany Taluaachammsoualve changed his name to Israel and said to him "because you have struggled with God and men, and estimated ... called Jacob name of the place Ffineiil., Saying, I looked at God face to face and hast delivered my soul. " No doubt this man was the Son of God "which is glory and splendor draw its essence" (Hebrews 3:1).