Of Egypt I called my son
Wonder and surprise when we read the words in the inspired books of the Jews, specifically in the in Hosea 11: 1 says: "From Egypt I called my son" Corresponding image of the artist Albrecht Dürer (1471-1528), who lived and died in the city of Nuremberg, Germany, for painting "Escape to the maw of Egypt" - second painting in a series of paintings painted in his life - that show us the arduous journey measured by the Virgin Mary in her flight to Egypt, fearing on the life of her child. Painting shows us the Virgin Mary is riding a donkey in her lap, her son Jesus Christ, where halo sun crowned heads, and show as well as the St. Joseph Bar, who accompanied the trip, he urged the donkey to speed up, and came flying or high Party Shawl white worn by the Virgin, as well as by the robes pink high-top the shoulders of St. Joseph as a sign of the speed with which they were walking by. When we look to the nature of the land where the rocks and stones, we know well that the people who were onboard painting, are on the run because they are behaving in a way that non-passable roads, well-known creaking feet of humans and livestock hooves. - About newspaper ILLAFTrain 27.12.2005 issued in an article entitled Hussein Saqqaf Alodzan seven. Behold, the Lord passengers on a cloud of fast and coming to Egypt There is another verse of Revelation in the mentioned books of the Jews, specifically in Isaiah 1:19 "Behold, the Lord riding on a cloud of fast and coming to Egypt Egypt Ftertjv idols from his face and melts within the heart of Egypt." Stated most of the interpreters of the Old Testament that cloud fast is the Blessed Virgin Mary, clean, and actually happened as you can see that the child Jesus was when he goes to the place of the idols Egypt Down, priests idols Iaftnon to a boy, a strange Verbton between the fall of the idols with the presence of this Divine Child to their city Vihmunh but his mother or one of those who do them miracles warn them of the wrath of the priests Verrbun from one place to another and, if historians have said about going to Egypt trip flight to Egypt but it was escapes also within Egypt itself is believed that this was the cause of the country's many visited in the land of Egypt, in the short period where he stayed there. Angel of the Lord appears to Joseph in a dream and said to him: Arise, take the boy and his mother and escape to the land of Egypt, because Herod planned to kill the boy Joseph is out outlet owners, and took with him a woman All Blessed Virgin Mary and Tmtty donkey and carry on Joseph came from Bethlehem Holy Land traveling to the land of the Nile valley, and the image must contemplate an old man leading a donkey bearing the Virgin Mary by the Lord Jesus and the other is the man behind Salome is going to where? He did not know how to live in a strange land? How to eat it is with him?Where to shelter from the summer heat and the cold of winter? Was just eager to fulfill his commandment of the Lord, which is dying in a dream did not suspect dates of our God, for he had no hope, reminiscent of the father of fathers Abraham, who obeyed the Lord and leave his land and his clan (4) and came out he did not know where to come (5) (in the corresponding image Ancient Coptic icon shows rare form of Joseph the Carpenter, holding the baby Jesus has become a major) Another reflection and should turn our thoughts to him about this little girl the Virgin Mary? Carrying him from a likely she was just 15 years and in spite of this it was ready to sacrifice the migration of her family and homeland, and tongue, say the same for her son: "I ran my love and be Kzby or a young hart upon the mountains of spices" (Song of Solomon 8:14) in the image archaeological interview found in the monastery of the Virgin Mary known Muharraq represent Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary and Joseph holding the bar Brass led by a donkey, and appears in the image and the tree leaves hanging curved at the northern end angel appears in worship to the Lord Jesus Christ When the strides of the Holy Family, consisting of four members, and began to trip flight legs and touched the soil of the Nile Valley was blessed Interpreted by the Church Fathers, in many places the cloud that knees of the Lord in coming to Egypt is the Virgin Mary (8), because Mary is in the white cloud and purity, and in the lighter and paper and renamed and raised. Egypt crash idols to the true god And shiver idols of Egypt fear of the LORD Jesus and Jalal divinity and power, and shook the ground under their feet tended weight stone, crashed and broke in front of two boy next boiled Egypt was narrated by historians of this incident said: "The idols were broken in his appearance before it, and Albrby deserted of demons" (9) And melted the hearts of the priests of the idols of fear and panic, and surprise and panic, and fled to Egypt's rulers and their victory at the next small but not the power of darkness has control of it, and during the flight of the Holy Family of town to another, he believed some of the Egyptians, the Lord Jesus, but he found hatred and hostility from some other and priests of the idols and servants to lose their livelihoods, along came the first blessing to others and prestige. Best and Denis comment DENYS LE CHARTREUX the Prophet Isaiah (Isaiah 19: 1) He said: "The crash of a statue of Dagon before the ark landed so sacred statues of Egypt when Jesus came as they were not strong enough to face presence" (10) The historian Palladius PALLADIUS Bishop Helenobolis Helenopolis one of the men of the fourth century AD went himself to the province level to "area Alohmonyen" where he went the Lord Jesus with Mary and Joseph in order to complete word of God on the lips of Isaiah (Isaiah 19: 1) who said: "He is a Lord riding Fast on a cloud and enter Egypt, Egypt Vttzlzl idols from his face and melts the heart of Egypt in the inside, "he said of:" We have also seen a house where the idols fell all the idols which the faces of our Savior when he entered the city "(11) Holiday Coptic Church to the memory of the entry of Jesus Christ and the Holy Family of the land of Egypt Restore the Church to the memory of Christ's entry in the land of Egypt, 24 of Bashans Coptic, and this is the feast of the Christian holidays Olkabbat Saidiya Minor. And unsung people of the Church of the anniversary of the great, built to our God, Lord Jesus, who blessed our blessings, and a great honor, which takes off the visit by the timeless and this trip made holy by our country. This Petrnmanm words Doxology day 24 of the Bashans Vitagnon tune, saying, " Rejoice and be glad, O Egypt (or "O people of Egypt) and all her children, and all boundaries, it came here loving people object before all ages" In the corresponding image text in Coptic, a language written in Greek letters and spoken language of the pharaohs |