Pray all the time
"We should pray that all the time and ants" (Lk 18: 1 )
+ When we look at that verse, we have in mind an important question, "Why bequeathed us with our Lord Jesus, that we should pray all the time?!".
We can summarize the reasons are as follows:
* We pray for the sinners, in order to declare to the Lord Tobtna, and save us from our sins.
* And we pray because we are weak, to Ntqoy spirit, and shows the power of God in our weakness.
* We need to many things, to fill our riches.
* Because we are going through a lot of experiences, and pray so as not to lose hope or mourn or Nnhar.
* Because we have Ndtrb and worry or we choose, in order to have peace and true God.
* Because we may get sick physically, or spiritually Natl,in order to heal the beloved physician.
* Because we are fighting against the flesh, and Satan, and the world, in order to maximize our victory in Christ.
* Because we are empty, and pray that the Holy Ghost were filled (fruit).
* Because we believe the work of God, and pray to grow in grace, and grow up spiritually.
* Because we are sons of God, pray to thank him on his gifts and caring fatherhood.
* And we have the many needs - spiritual and material - and we pray to him, blessed by us.
* And we are the soldiers in the war against the devil, and pray to the Lord help us in that spiritual warfare severe and persistent length of our lives on earth.
* Because we are strangers in the world, pray for us to leave in satisfaction.
* And because we want the service, and pray for the Spirit fills us, in order to win souls.
* As we grow your life, and pray in order to give fruit in the hearts of listeners.
* As we sow with tears, and pray for harvest with joy in a world of glory.
* And we often we are going through spiritual apathy, and pray to be fervent in spirit always.
* Because we Khmlan the midst of wolves, and pray to the Good Shepherd protect us always.
* Because we live in a rough sea, and fill the tsunami waves, and pray in order to calm it to us.
* Because we live in a world of evil, we pray in order to protect us from the many pitfalls.
* Because we hold the cross, every day, pray that holds us, and Itojna Biklelh.
* And we need to mourn, and pray for a source of solace the only one.
* Because we want to grow in grace, and we ask that gives us its arguments.
* Because we see fathoms spiritual blessing, pray for Nqldha, in their holy war with grace.
* Because we are a small herd, and pray that God protect us in the wilderness of the world desolate.
* Because we want to grow in virtue, pray for us there.
* Because we need to believe and pray in order to strengthen our faith in him.
* Because we are certain we have no one else, so pray that stands right next to us.
* And we need to interpret and hopes his book, pray to reveal the treasures.
* Because we see so many in tribulations, and pray for them out of God.
* Because we ask for enlightenment of the heart and mind, and pray to God he gives us.
* As we await the coming of the Lord at any time, and pray that we see and enjoy them Blkieh, in this world and in the name him.
* Because we live in a turbulent world, pray for peace is, in every heart, and everywhere in the world
Remember always - my brothers and sisters - will the Lord of glory, which is to pray all the time, and carried out all the Jihad and energetic to come about, you all of the foregoing, and lived wantonly pros and abundant blessings