Blessed Water and Blessed Oil

Blessed Water and Blessed Oil 

+ About water in the Holy Bible :  "Heb.10:22 our bodies washed with pure water" / Ezekiel 26:25 Then I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you shall be clean , I will cleanse you from all your filthiness and …"  /  In "2 Kings 5" we see how Elisha the prophet healed Naaman's from his leprosy by letting him wash himself seven times in the water of the Jordan river  /  And also our Lord Jesus healed the born blind man by letting him wash his eyes in the pool of Siloam "John 9" / and in the story of the man healed at the pool of Bethesda, how the angel went down and blessed the water so that whoever touched it first was healed. 
+ About oil : there is a lot about oil in the Holy Bible , it started , or actually it is first mentioned at the time of Jacob , but most probably it had started from the time of Adam and Eve.  Jacob used it to anoint and consecrate a place to the Lord "Genesis 28,16-19 … this is none than the house of God … and poured oil …" . 
"James 5:14-18  Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven" .
"Mk. 6:13 And they cast out many demons, and anointed with oil many who were sick, and healed them" .

+ Some wicked people who co-operate with some evil spiritual powers , do evil deeds using water and oil , so , we as believers , need to bless water and oil and make them effective and powerful through the power of God to overpower and cancel any evil water or oil , we need to pray over them , good prayers and certain Psalms , specially while fasting , and better if we pray the same prayers 3 times. Then we keep them (the blessed water and blessed oil) with us to always use them : 1) drink and eat from them daily.  2) anoint ourselves with them daily.  3) And every now and then (whenever it is necessary) we sprinkle the water in our house our car and everything we have , and anoint all these things with the blessed oil .  And better wash our whole bodies with this water  /  we better use olive oil because it is the only oil God commanded us to use , or we can say it is the only oil mentioned in the Holy Bible /   the prayers of blessing the oil and water in the Orthodox Churches are very good , we better contemplate on them / and if anyone likes to pray for himself or his family, here is an example of a prayer you can pray "O Holy Trinity please, if there is any sorcery or any evil deed done against me or is causing me any harm or any trouble , please , rebuke it, cast it out from me and never allow it to come back to me , and also heal me and release me from evil thing [read the prayers at the end]. 

+ Symbols of water :  water may : 
1] Indicate and symbolize the Holy Spirit of God  "John 7:38 he who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water , but this He spoke concerning the Spirit, whom those believing in Him would receive" .
2] But still sometimes it may also symbolize evil "Psalm 124" .
+ Symbols of oil in the Holy Bible : 
1) When anointing with oil , it means we anoint with the Holy Spirit "Acts 10:38 how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit".  
2) the branch of the olive tree has become a symbol of peace since the time of Noah when the dove brought him a freshly plucked olive leaf "Genesis 8:11".  
3) the olive tree indicates success and divine blessing "see Hosea 14:6 / psalm 52:8 / Jeremiah 11:16" 
+ Uses of oil :   1) For the light in God's house "Exodus 25:6 / 27:20 / 35:8"
2) In offerings : which were mixed and anointed with oil "Leviticus 2:4"
3) To cure wounds "Lk. 10:34"
4) To anoint our heads, the whole head not only the forehead "Mt. 6:17"
5) In the holy anointment : a) To anoint and ordain kings , like Saul "1Sam.10:1" and David "1Sam. 16:1-13" and Solomon "1Kings 1:39".  2) To anoint, ordain and consecrate bishops , priests and the house of God and everything in it . This is after the anointment is prepared in a certain way "Exodus 30:22-33 the Lord spoke to Moses saying, also take … make from these a holy anointing oil, an anointment … It shall be a holy anointing oil … with it you shall anoint the tabernacle … and you shall anoint Aaron and his sons and sanctify them that they may minister to Me as priests …" .  
That is why all apostolic churches use it the same way .
6) In some of the sacraments of the church :   a) the unction of the sick , "James 5:14-18 Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. …" , and "Mk. 6:13 And they … anointed with oil many who were sick, and healed them.".  b) to anoint new Christians with the Myron oil after they are baptized that the Holy Spirit may come upon them and dwell in them . This, in the beginning , at the time of the apostles, was done by the laying on of the hands , but then it is replaced by the Myron oil .

Sorcery and Evil Deeds (and oil and water)
Introduction : this subject is too big , it is a completely different world , we deal with things that we do not see nor hear . But still we know a little about this world , with this little knowledge we can defend ourselves and others . Sorcery and witchcraft and such things are done by the power of Satan and his followers (all evil powers). The Holy Bible confirms the existence of such things and forbids us from doing any evil deed and from dealing with any evil spirit. There are many kinds of these spirits and these evil deeds, we don't know exactly their details or limits , and even if the same evil deed is done to two different persons it will affect them differently, and so by turn, while healing them we need different ways .  But in all cases , we must depend on and have faith in , the power of God the Almighty which prevails against and overpowers all creatures and all things everywhere in the whole universe.

Some Verses That Forbid Sorcery and Evil Deeds
1) Exodus 22:18,19 You shall not permit a sorceress to live.
2) Leviticus 19:26,27 You shall not eat anything with the blood nor shall you practice divination or soothsaying.
3) Leviticus 19:31 Give no regard to mediums and familiar spirits, do not seek after them to be defiled by them.
4) Leviticus 20:6 and the person who turns after mediums and familiar spirits , to prostitute himself with them, I shall set my face against that person and cut him off from his people.
5) Lev. 20:27 A man or a woman who is a medium, or who has familiar spirits, shall surely be put to death , they shall stone them with stones . Their blood shall be upon them .
6) Lev. 21:5 They shall not make any bald place on their heads, nor shall they shave the edges of their beards nor make any cuttings in their flesh.
7) Deuteronomy 18:10-12 There shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, or one who practices witchcraft, or a soothsayer, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer, or one who conjures spells, or a medium, or a spiritist, or one who calls up the dead. For all who do these things are an abomination to the Lord. 
Read also : 2 Kings 9:22 \ 2 Kings 23:24 \  Nahom 3:4  \  Is. 19:3  \  Jer. 27:1-11  \  Rev. 22:15  

In the Holy Bible we Have Three Stories About Sorcerers
1) The Story of Moses With the Sorcerers (magicians) of Egypt : It is in "Exodus" starting from the seventh chapter. Moses and Aaron used their rod in some of them.
2) Simon the Sorcerer :  "Acts 8 : 4 – 24" , please read it and notice that :
St. Philip preached and taught while performing miracles /  Simon was a famous sorcerer who astonished the people of Samaria. He didn't say nor do anything against Philip but believed and was baptized and continued with him , so we also must expect that an evil person may in no time be a good believer / but still because he had no good knowledge , he sinned when he thought he could buy the authority of the apostles with money , but when Simon peter reprimanded him , he repented and asked them to pray for him.
3) Elymas the Sorcerer : "Acts 13:6-12" , please read it and notice that :
Elymas was a sorcerer and also a false prophet who perverted the straight ways of God , and taught false teachings , and he withstood Paul , which means he was very bad so that Paul called him "son of the devil" , and that is why St. Paul was very firm punishing him , but at the same time he said "for a time" , in case Elymas might repent .

Important Information
As we said and as we know there are many kinds of evil spirits , some of which are : familiar spirits, mediums, authorities, demons, spirits which cause convulsion, … . 
It is clear that in most of the times , evil deeds look and sound the same as good deeds , like for instance we use blessed oil and blessed water to do good things , and also the evil doers use oil and water with certain sayings and writings over them to achieve evil deeds against others. And as Moses used a rod (staff) to do God's will , the magicians also used their rods to do similar deeds. And as our Lord Jesus did many miracles, likewise God permits Satan to do extra ordinary works . But surely righteousness is always more powerful and endures because we get our power from the Almighty God , for we know that the serpent of the rod of Moses swallowed the serpents of the magicians , specially that Moses was a man of fasting and prayer, and, if we sprinkle blessed water on someone or in a place or anointed someone or something with blessed oil , it overpowers and cancels evil powers caused by evil water or oil, specially if the one who prayed over that blessed water and that blessed oil is very strong in fasting , prayers, faith and righteousness. 
We need to know that evil deeds and evil doers do exist widely in all countries and everywhere , so let us be very careful, always seek God's help .  And we should help others if we can. And do not resist evil , do not try to attack or fight them , as long as they are away from church , it is not yours as a person to stop them lest they harm you , leave this to the church and the government . 
+ Prayer : May the Holy Trinity our God keep us safe from every evil , give us His peace and help us to do His will and be righteous.
We know that envy , jealousy  and hatred cause a lot of harm , they started in Satan against Adam and Eve , then we read about Joseph's brothers, and then Saul the king against David. Physically it is said that envy, jealousy and hatred produce certain poison inside the body of that bad person and hurts him much and uses the energy needed for that person to think and live effectively and successfully. It is also said that the eyes may affect a thing whether to the good or to the bad , i.e. if someone looked at someone or something , his eyes may bless or harm that person or that thing , according to the intension of the one who looks.
In some countries there are national and international societies and unions of astrologers and parapsychologists, their boards and members have supernatural powers and they achieve fame and popularity /  a man may have a covenant or testament with a demon using his blood and then worship Satan / as sometimes God's angels appear to saints, also sometimes evil spirits appear to evil people, and may also appear to a righteous man to deceive him, so if a spirit appears to anyone, he must first make sure that the spirit is sent from God before he does what the spirit wants because as it is written in the biblical verse "2 Corinthians 11:14" a devil may transform himself and appear as an angel of light . 
+ To differentiate between a righteous person and an evil one , the evil person : 
1) Will take money or fare or a fee in a bad way .  
2) Will sometimes commits adultery with a woman as if he cures or heals her.  
3) He seeks his own glory , not God's glory .   
4) He may give an evil consult to someone to hurt others or to cause others to sin .
+ Calling up the dead (the spirits of the dead) , spread much  in many countries and they have their rites and rituals , which they perform in places , like our churches , but as we said  , it is forbidden by a commandment from God "Deuteronomy 18:10" .  They say that what they do is a certain materialistic or physical science , if so it may be right but if they consult the dead and deal with them , it is forbidden.

How to Protect Ourselves From Sorcery and Evil Deeds
Briefly we can say that we can protect ourselves from every evil person or deed , by requesting God's help and protection by prayers and fasting , by reading and meditating in the Holy Bible , by being righteous, by doing as much charitable deeds as we can , by praising God and glorifying Him , by using the name of "Jesus Christ" and some strong names of the Holy Trinity like "The Almighty / the Savior" , and , by blessed oil and blessed water, and by praying over all food and drinks we eat and drink .
If someone, seeks or takes refuge in, a sorcerer to protect him or solve his problems , even if he succeeded in doing that , that one will be under Satan's authority from that time on, he will be away form God's shelter, because, he, by his own free will, did that. We need to know that as long as we seek God with all our hearts , no evil thing or creature will hurt us , so seek God with all your heart , and seek the prayers of God's angels and saints / sometimes sorcerers use Psalms from the Holy Bible to do evil deeds , but they use it in strange ways , not as we just pray them.
+ If an evil deed affects a person because of a sin he did , he needs to repent first, then to be healed after that with the blessed oil and water and/or by a gifted person .  

+ Now we can say : We have many ways to protect ourselves :
1] Always be with God , do His commandments and be righteous , do not resist evil , stay away from them … .
2] Always use the names of God "God , The Lord , Jesus Christ , The Almighty , The Holy , The Powerful , The Deliverer" , like for instance when you try to heal anyone or when you go into a place or before you eat , you can just say "In the name of Jesus Christ" and you can continue saying any prayer to God , you can say this with a loud voice or even in your heart .
3] Use blessed water and blessed oil , as we said before [page 1] .
4] When you pray , pray the Lord's prayer "Our Father …" , whether once or three times .  And also pray (say) the strong psalms that deliver from evil deeds , like :
Ps. 91 He who dwells in the secret place of the most High …
Ps. 70 make haste O God to deliver me …
Ps. 27 The Lord is my light and my salvation …
Ps. 23 the Lord is my shepherd …
Ps. 86 Let Your ears be open to my voice , O Lord , and give me an answer , for I am poor and in need …
Ps. 117 Praise the Lord all you nations …
And Ps. 51 / Ps. 57
5] Read a chapter or more (as much as you can) in the Holy Bible , and try to sometimes read with a loud voice .
6] As you ask other people to pray for you , ask the archangels to pray for  you , like archangels Michael , Gabriel and Raphael . And you also , speak with them politely and try to honor them .

+ Important : Now , you should bring a bottle of pure water (mineral water) , and bring a bottle of olive oil , open them , put them before you (in front of you) , then pray on them all these prayers , once or three times , using God's name (or names) , and also you can pray saying , for instance :
"O Holy Trinity , please , O Lord God Almighty , I ask You in Your name , please , heal, cleanse, purify, save and free , me (my son / my daughter …) , of and from all his (her / their / our) spiritual, psychological, mental and bodily diseases, sicknesses, illnesses, afflictions and infirmities and of and from all evil bonds and deeds against him (her / them / us)".  Have mercy on us … , then continue as you like … .  Amen .
O God the Father , I pray to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ .  Amen .
- Sometimes the case is because a certain person who is spiritually strong prayed against another weak one , so we can add another prayer saying "And please O Lord efface, obliterate, omit and cancel all prayers against him (her / them / us).  
- If after all this he is still sick or under the authority of evil powers , so he needs to repent and confess his sins before a priest or a bishop , and if possible he must repair and recover what he destroyed and pray to God persistently because God alone the Almighty and the Merciful , can heal him .  
In all this when God heals him , we must give the glory to God .