Accept Aloadhir .. And an apology

Accept Aloadhir .. And an apology

"No excuse for their sin" (Jn 15 
: 22   )

What is the most reckless to justify its disadvantages, and actions are foolish, and capped excuses are not acceptable to God, or humans, as the popular proverb says: "excuse uglier than sin 
", And the Lord refuses to   - In such cases - and invoke the excuse"You are without excuse, O man" (Romans 2: 1).

+ And often repeating the wrong words: "Forgive me" (Never mind)   , A compound word, and concise of the words: "What on something", ie not to recognize the error immediately, preferably to blame himself, humility, and quickly recognized his mistake, and is not to repeat it, to satisfy the Lord and the people, nor bestowed retribution.

When David sinned and God revealed to him his evil double,pleaded guilty to the deadly and admit what he did, God's mercy, after the tears of repentance and regrets very, very, wishing we could do like always, God have mercy on us.

The prodigal son to his father, announcing the error of his actions, did not justify the act of ignorance, but asked to be allowed, he received more than they deserve and the gifts of mercy, and features of the physical and moral.

The error was because of ignorance of the spiritual, scientific, and it is a punishment, of course, (Hosea 4: 6)    But if he was issued by the clerics and scholars of law, they had no excuse fortheir sin, because who knows more, demanding more (if 12:48).This is the justice in particular.

+ Which must be thinking of all the shepherds and servants, who are negligent in the service and the lack, the hearts of many because of Vthlk Dilalha!! .

+ Told them the Lord Jesus, "If I had not come and spoken to, were not written for them, and now they had no excuse for their sin" (Jn 15:22).

Non-apology for errors, shows pride of self, which does not want to give up and recognizes the error, those who abused him, words or actions.

+ Announced St. Paul the Apostle, that pagans worshiped idols and animals, although the work of God is reflected in his creatures, and in the greatness of nature, "became futile in their thoughts, and heart was darkened, so that they are without excuse" (such as Japanese, Chinese and Indians, who have reached the affair high in science, because they continue to worship the cow, the sun, and Buddha, Confucius, and live in atheism).

+ The Saint Paul the Apostle: "You are without excuse, O man, both hands, because you are owed by someone else control over yourself .... or underestimate the richness of God's kindness, and give him, and the length Onath ... but you for Ksaotk, and your heart is repentant, riches for yourself anger - On anger - and the revelation of God's judgment fair, Who will render to each one according to his works "(Rom. 2: 1-6). All this is important, all of us.

If stairway people to excuse them, and the consequent love and forgiveness and grace and mercy, and to accept excuses, and apologize for all the negative reaction, or is bad, there will be peace at home, at work, everywhere, and there is calm, and no enemy of good place, between the heart and may Allah be pleased for All, which is very wise and the mind.

Vtaudoa - O my brothers and sisters - to accept the excuses of people, and apologize to the large and small, and close Strangely enough, God is pleased with you, every man loves you, because you feel a sense of others and Your humility,